Any iron or metal cleaning
Stage 3
Sensorimotor stage is the time period between birth to 2 years. Jean Piaget expanded the sensorimotor stage into 6 stages:
- Stage 1: Birth- 1 month: Exercise and organize reflexes like sucking, looking, grasping etc.
- Stage 2: 1-4 months: Adapt to the environment
- Stage 3: 4-8 months: Repeat interesting events involving other objects or people to make them last.
- Stage 4 : 8-12 months: Goal directed behavior and development of new motor skills
- Stage 5: 12-18 months: Try to inculcate new behavior
- Stage 6: 18-24 months: Develop ability to solve problems
There are four types of heat loss mechanisms: radiation, convection, conduction and evaporation.
Radiation is transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves through space
Conduction is a process by which heat is transferred from the hot area of a solid object to the cool area.
Convection is a process by which heat is transferred from one part of a
fluid (liquid or gas) to another by the bulk movement of the fluid
Evaporation - when sweating promotes heat loss.
<span>Covering an infant with a blanket to prevent heat loss will minimize the heat loss mechanism - radiation (</span><span>The heat generated from within the body is given-off to the surrounding atmosphere will be minimized).</span>
The cycle of fluid intake and loss continues on a daily basis. <em>Fluid intake is accomplished by drinking fluids and eating foods.</em> <em>Fluid losses occur through urination, perspiration, and respiration.</em>