4) No control group was used.
In order to check the side effects of this multivitamin tablet. It is first important to establish a control group. If the control group does not have the side effects which the treatment group of individuals (those who have taken the multivitamin tablet) have, it shows that the side effect is purely because of the tablet.
If you wanted to cut down your risk for developing cancer, it would be best if you avoided tobacco products which is option C. Tobbaco products contain a ginormous amount of harmful ingredients which often lead people to develop cancer over time.
The respiratory system which includes the organs used for breathing and the skeletal system which is responsible for body support and aids it proper movement interact and can be interwoven functionally in the following ways:
1. The bones in the nose called nasal conchae form swirl like shapes in the nose region that aids the passage of warm air from the nose to the lungs.
2. The centre of the human bones consist of the bone marrow which is responsible for the production and formation of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. These red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body like a transport system.
3. The thoracic or rib cage protects the lungs from damage and ensures stability.
If a kid was coughing excessively, choking, or being bullied. I hope this answered your question.
Service/Frontage Roads.
Traffic Roundabouts.
High-Speed Traffic.
Poor Line-of-Sight.
blinking lights