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Baby boom or baby boomers.
After the World war II in the year 1945, there was this period of high birth rate between the years of 1946 and 1964 and this period or should I say the generation of people that were giving birth to during this period is called baby boom generation or baby boomers generation. The baby boom generation did have a powerful impact on American society, since more babies were been giving birth to, more schools and social infrastructures are needed to be built. The baby boom generation also partook in the civil Rights movement. Also, during the period many cultures such as the dressing, hairstyle and so on also changes.
The baby boom generation adolescents were also part of the people that experienced the Vietnam war.
The correct answer is: consuming multiple servings of a product affects the nutritional values listed on the label by<em> doubling, or even tripling the amount of nutrients and calories consumed</em>.
Most packaged foods, such as potato chips, contain nutrition labels that generally look like this (refer to attached image). As you can see, this label lists the amount of calories and nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, sodium, etc.) found in one serving of chips- which is 1 ounce, or 15 chips. This serving size is fairly small, however, it contains 160 calories (with 60 grams of fat and 15 grams of carbohydrates). As the question states, packaged foods consumed in one sitting are often listed as multiple servings on the labeling; so if a person consumes 45 chips, he or she would be consuming three servings of the chips. This entails consuming 480 calories, instead of 160 calories from one serving.
Thus, consuming multiple servings of a product affects the nutritional values listed on the label by doubling, or even tripling the amount of nutrients and calories consumed.
Hormones from the stomach are sent to the brain to tell you when to stop eating