Who doesn't like donuts????
There are 3 main types of T cells: cytotoxic, helper, and regulatory. Each of them has a different role in the immune response. Cytotoxic T cells (Tc cells) have a co-receptor called CD8 on their cell surface. CD8 partners with the T cell receptor and with MHC class I molecules, acting as a sort of bridge.
Survivors should be notified that they could change their class shedule and living situation to avoid the person who assoulted them.
The Campus Sexual Assault Survivor's Bill of RIghts what stablished in 1992 in order to protect victims fo sexaul assault.
This item right here is very important, survirors should be told about their rights of changing their activities, classes or living situation in order to feel safe. This among other items should be guaranteed for the victim.
The awnser is none of the above
Answer:Computer tomography (CT scan) or Computerized Axial Tomography.
Explanation:Computer tomography is a diagnostic investigation that entails using a computer to create images in angles around the body. CT scan creates images of soft tissues,bones and blood vessels in various areas of the body. It provides more concise information about the body than X-ray do.
CT scan rotates X-ray machines to create images of the body in cross sections as well as give detailed and clear pictures.