Let’s go left to right and convert everything to decimals.
3.4848 is 3.4848
-3 19/20 is -3.95
-3.58 is -3.58
Sqrt (11) is about 3.3
362% is 3.62
Using this, you can easily put them in order
Answer: In observational study observer has no control on the variables but in an experiment experimenter has control over the independent variable to record the change on the dependent variable.
Step-by-step explanation:
In statistics , an observational study is a study in which a researcher just observe effects on subjects in a certain manner without interfering them.
On the other hand an experiment is a process which is done by experimenter to demonstrate a known fact or create a discovery by applying some methods to the variables .
The basic difference between an observational study and an experiment is<em> in observational study observer has no control on the variables but in an experiment experimenter has control over the independent variable to record the change on the dependent variable.</em>
Step-by-step explanation:
For this case we must follow the following rules of rounding
1) If the previous number is greater than or equal to five, then the next number increases by one unit
2) If the previous number is less than five, then the next number stays the same
Therefore, the steps for rounding to the nearest tenth is:
1) We observe that 3 is less than 5.
2) Therefore, the next number stays the same
Rounding to the nearest tenth is:
1) We observe that 3 is less than 5.
2) Therefore, the next number stays the same
1.Exact Form: 67/6
Decimal Form: 11.167
Mixed Number Form: 11 1/6
2. 2 9/10
3. Exact Form: −1/3
Decimal Form: −0.3333