<h2>Regional specialization of Human Nervous System</h2>
The statements that illustrate the regional specialization of human nervous system are-
a. Sensory information may be processed in the occipital lobe or the temporal lobe.
c. Reading a printed word out loud and then thinking of a related word involves the visual cortex, Broca’s area, and the frontal and temporal lobes.
Humans have the most developed nervous system among all the living organisms. Various parts of the nervous system has been specialized for various function. The human brain has been divided into different parts like cerebellum, cerebrum , medulla oblongata etc which are further divided into specialized parts. Each part is specialized to carry out particular function. Moreover, the nervous system has different types of neurons like motor neuron, sensory neurons and interneurons. Each type of neuron has specialized function.
Science is the study and learning mechanism of the world and how everything is created as well as used today and billion of years ago
Landslide is a general term referring to all types of surface movement, like avalanches involving the mass movement downhill of soil, rock, or snow under the action of gravity. These can be dangerous to human life.
Mudslides are caused unusually heavy rain or sudden thaw. they consist of mostly mud and water with fragments of rock and other debris. They're capable of moving house off of their foundations and can bury a place within minutes.