When you have ratios, and some unknowns, you can create complex fractions from them. Bring them to the same denominator, and solve for x.
Example - we have this proportion:
And we can change it into fraction:
In case of more complex fractions it may come in handy.
the answer is the 2nd one the one with the v shape
Step-by-step explanation:
if you do the vertical line test which is just drawing a vertical line through the line and it intersect the line twice than it is NOT functional
Step-by-step explanation:
I timed the percentage 0.16×3=0.48
A chi-squared test, also written as χ² test, is a statistical hypothesis test that is valid to perform when the test statistic is chi-squared distributed under the null hypothesis, specifically Pearson's chi-squared test and variants thereof.
I hope it's helpful!