"I like what you did when you presented the slideshow! It brought a smile to my face!"
The real solution isn't banning them. People aren't the ones who dump them in to the oceans. Yet sometimes they do on beaches. The ones who dump them are corporate companies. We need to enforce laws saying that dumping is bad, and maybe a humongous fine like 10 billion, to scare away corporate dumpster companies away from the seaside
From what i heard, when carbon monoxide is in a person's blood (smoker or non smoker) it can kill you, it is a sign of poison in your blood. With smokers it is worse because they are smoking something that has a high content of carbon monoxide which can cause heart problems, lung cancer, birth defects, etc. So thats what i think
jenga and pick up sticks are same and different because you push the blocks out of the stack and put it back on top and in pick up sticks you pick up the sticks and put them back on top of the pile. in both of them you have to go slowly and in one of them there is blocks you have to move versus sticks.
please give brainliest.