Answer: I’m not sure how I am supposed to answer this question but I would just draw an endocrine system and nervous
Answer: Caecum of the intestines
The caecum is located in between the large intestine and the ileum and the colon. It is referred to as blind gut because one end of it is close and the other continues into the colon.
<h2>Answer 1:</h2>
The gravitational force is a force that attracts any objects with mass. Gravity, or gravitation, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light are brought toward one another.
Answer 2:
Gravity keeps things together. It is a force that attracts matter towards it. Anything with mass creates gravity, but the amount of gravity is proportional to the amount of mass.
Gravitational force is critical to our universe because with out gravitational force we cannot walk on earth, all the matter on earth cannot stay on it with out gravity. Everything will start floating in air with out gravity.
<h2>Answer 3:</h2>
Gravity is the powerful force that glues our universe together.
- One of the most noticeable effects of gravity in the solar system is the orbit of the planets.
- The planet keeps moving but is always caught up in the push-pull forces caused by the interaction of these gravitational forces. As a result, the planet begins orbiting the sun.
- The same phenomenon causes the moon to orbit around the Earth except its the Earth's gravitational force not the sun's that keeps it moving around us.
One strand of all the isolated DNA double helices would have C-14 labeled thymidine.
DNA replication is a semiconservative process which means that each newly formed DNA double helix contains one parental strand and one newly formed strand.
Since the medium has thymidine labeled with C-14, all the newly formed strands formed during DNA replication would have radio-labeled thymidine.
Therefore, by the end of 20 minutes, one out of two strands on each double helix would have labeled thymidine nucleotides.
To develop a particular fitness component, you must perform exercises that are designed particularly for that component. this is referred to specificity principle.
The Principle of Specificity in body fitness explains that fitness in any skill is earned through constant practice of the particular skill. This means that any training geared towards a sport should be specific with constant practice so as to improve the skill required for that sport.
This implies that
- a swimmer should swim more to improve swimming performance.
- a footballer should play more footballs to improve his footballing.
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