Answer: a decrease in U.S. next exports and increase in U.S. investment
Net export is the measure of a country's total trade. Net exports can be calculated by subtracting the value of all goods and services a county imports from the value of the total goods and services the country exports.
When exports reduce and imports increase, then the net exports (exports ‐ imports) will reduce. Since the U.S. company buys a new industrial sewing machine from a company that is located in France, this means that the U.S net export will decrease.
The sewing machine can be used for the production of cloth. This will an increase in investment.
The Security Exchange Act Rule 10b-5 says that the insider dealing is not allowed because it waives off the trust of the shareholders placed on the corporations. This means if their agents are not trustworthy then nobody is going to invest in the companies which means the corporations that are fulfilling needs of more than 50% of the world would have no existence in future because their is no one who is going to lend them money. So the act says that this insider dealing which enables the employees or directors of the company to gain undue advantage due to their access to management information is not allowed and is unethical stance of the agents.
D) Stretcher
This is the most common layout in modern buildings, as that is where the bricks themselves have a support structure. The stretcher layout is much less strong that other layouts - but bricks are not often used for strength.
The advantage offered to Ugar by relocating their production firm is a reduction in the cost of doing business.
<h3 /><h3>What advantage does Ugor gain?</h3>
When Ugor relocated to the country that has a lower production cost, it means that they will spend less to produce their goods and services.
He will also spend less on transporting his goods to his customers. These reduced costs mean that his cost of doing business has reduced.
Find out more on the practice of relocating production at
Quality management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks that must be accomplished to maintain a desired level of excellence. This includes the determination of a quality policy, creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control and quality improvement.