Over time some city-states, like Athens would change governments. Sometimes they were ruled by Tyrants and, at other times, they were a democracy. Democracy in Ancient Greece was very direct. They did have officials to run the government, however.
The west like California had lots of free land and gold which gave the americans a chance to own and prosper land.
Carrying capacity in an ecosystem is the amount of organisms an ecosystem can hold. Some of the factors that affect the carrying capacity is
▪What kind of organism
▪ How big the ecosystem is
▪Where the ecosystem is located
▪How much food is available to the organisms
The Persians followed a monotheistic religion called Zoroastrianism, which recognized only a single deity named Ahura Mazda. Based on the teachings of the Persian prophet Zoroaster, this was the official religion of the Persian Empire, although conquered peoples were allowed to practice their own religions. They treat them well. They allowed them to keep their religion and customs instead of forcing them to adapt to Persian ways. ... They could let people know about problems or thing they had to do.