Visiting unknown websites and opening unfamiliar emails
If you open up emails that are unfamiliar they can cause viruses on your computer. Visiting suspicious website could have ads with viruses built into to the web page.
Dissociative amnesia is a type of dissociative disorder that involves inability to recall important personal information that would not typically be lost with ordinary forgetting. It is usually caused by trauma or stress. Diagnosis is based on history after ruling out other causes of amnesia.
Dissociative amnesia has been linked to overwhelming stress, which may be caused by traumatic events such as war, abuse, accidents, or disasters. The person may have suffered the trauma or just witnessed it.
It could mean that your muscles are being overworked. You could have also sprained something.
Athletics are in that 15%
Healthy body fat for younger men is 20%
And 25% and lower are the healthy body fat for men and women
30% and higher are obese for men and woman.
Depending on the age range I would go for the 20%- 25%.
Health experts say a number between 18.5 to 24.9 is a healthy BMI for men.