a) Cut/copy and paste allows you to select a section of text and insert a new copy of that text. You can also transfer data from one place to another.
b) Save is when you keep your work for later and it will be the same as you left it. Think of it like putting a bookmark in your book. Save as lets you name the files.
c) Close and Exit just let you leave the program, saying you are finished working with it and want to do something else.
your account has enabled profile pictures for your users, you can manage all profile pictures for your account. Profile pictures are public and automatically approved when users upload an image in their settings. Using profile pictures can make it easier to see the users in your account and managing them gives you the ability to keep the pictures appropriate.
If Gravatars are enabled for an institution in account settings, and a user has a Gravatar but chooses not to upload a profile picture, the Gravatar will display for the user's profile picture.
If a student views another student's user details in a course and reports a profile picture as inappropriate, you can review those profile pictures and approve, lock, or delete the picture. In the courses, instructors can remove profile pictures completely from a user's details page.
save as a word document (.docx) to keep editing offline then copy and paste into the google doc
In excel spreadsheets, you need to consider specifying relationships between the information you have
stored in your spreadsheets when creating formulas. The elements that will help
you understand using spreadsheet are the constants, operators, references and
functions. This will enable you to use the formulas, without hassle in