The sperm immediately begin swimming and some will find their way into the cervix. The sperm then begin their long journey towards the egg. Leaving the cervix they enter the womb. Here, they swim towards the Fallopian tubes.
Answer: option B - some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes.
Actually, nondisjunction occurs in meiosis and results in FOUR ABNORMAL GAMETES/DAUGHTER CELLS: two gametes have an EXTRA copy of gene e.g XXY, while two other gametes LACK a required copy e.g XO
So, the right answer is some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes.
The moon Rotates at the same the earth rotates
The microscopic structural unit of compact bone is called an osteon, or Haversian system. Each osteon is composed of concentric rings of calcified matrix called lamellae (singular = lamella).