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Hibiscus Flower is mostly referred commonly as roselle. It is found in warm and tropical region of all over the world. Hibiscus grows on well-drained soils in the sunny areas. This plant is best known by its beautiful and showy flowers thus it is mostly used as ornamental plant but it is also used as human diet, natural dyes and also for various diseases in eastern regions. There are over 200 species of hibiscus flower, cultivated varieties have red, white, yellow, or orange flowers. The leaves are often lobed and may be smooth or covered in trichomes (plant hairs). It belongs to the FAMILY - MALVACEAE(MALLOW or COTTON FAMILY). Hibiscus Flowers also has fibers in their stem thus they are used Robes, Substitute for Jute, Canvas etc.

The arrangement of placenta within the ovary is known as placentation. Ovules are attached to the inner wall of special tissues which are called placenta, the ovules are attached by the small stalk called funicules. There are several type of Placentations i.e. Basal, Marginal, central, axile, parietal.
Placentation in Hibiscus is Axil. In Axil placentation the placentae are located on a central column. Partitions from the central column to the ovary wall create chambers (locules) that separate the placentae and attached ovaries from each other.

Gynoecium is a female whorl of the flower. It is composed of Carpels. Carpel is composed of Sigma, Style and Ovary.
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Gynoecium in Hibiscus is Multicarpellary(Five Carpels), Syncarpous(Carpel United), Ovary Superior(Ovary attached above other floral parts) , Multilocular(Cavity of ovary divided into small compartments), One to many ovules in each locules, Style is one and long, Stigma depends on number of carpels. Seed is Non-Endospermic, Fruit is Capsule.

Flower is the reproductive organ of a plant. Morphologically it is very modified shoot. It is developed in the axil of leaf or at a.p.e.x of stem & branch. Flower is also produced in group which is called the inflorescence. If stalk called pedicel is present then flower is called pedicellate, If pedicel is absent Flower is called sessile. If small leaf or scale called bract is present then flower is called bracteate, if absent then called ebracteate.
Flower in Hibiscus is Pedicellate, bracteate, hermaphrodite, complete, actinomorphic(Radially Symmetrical), pentamerous, hypogynous.

They are widely distributed in tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate regions of the world. The plants are less common in colder regions.

Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. Pollen grain are male micro-gametophytes of seed plants, and they produce male gametes (sperm cells).
Pollination in hibiscus is by Entomophilous. Entomophilous is the type of pollination by insects. Insects are attracted because of the showy and scented flower and nectar. Nectar is a sugar-rich liquid produced by plants in glands called nectaries. Both Cross-Pollination and Self-Pollination found.

- Trichome(Plant Hair) Stem
- Mucilage in the tissue. Mucilage is thick gluey substance.
- Spinous Pollen
- Fibers in the woody stem
- Epicalyx are found.
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Best Regards,</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2><h2 />