The source is mainly called headwater and its examples are waterfalls, groundwater, rainfall, and snowmelt in mountains. Basically, it is affected by the gravity
MRNA Strand: A-A-G-C-G-A-C-U-U
Rotifers are specialists at living in habitats where water dries up regularly.
The Monogononta, which have males, produce fertilised 'resting eggs' which can resist desiccation (drought) for long periods.[11]
The Bdelloids, who have no males, contract into an inert form and lose almost all body water, a process known as cryptobiosis. Bdelloids can also survive the dry state for long periods: the longest well-documented dormancy is nine years. After they have dried, they may be revived by adding water. In this, and several other ways, they are a unique group of animals.[12]
The front has a ring of cilia circling the mouth. This gave the rotifers their old name of "wheel animalules". There is a protective lorica round its body, and a foot. Inside the lorica are the usual organs in miniturised form: a brain, an eye-spot, jaws, stomach, kidneys, urinary bladder.
Rotifers have a number of unusual features. Biologists suppose that these peculiarities are adaptations to their small size and the transient (fast changing) nature of its habitats.