This example illustrates the foot-in-the-door technique.
This refers to the fact that if you manage to convince somebody to do a small favor for you, they will be more likely to help you with something more engaging and important as well. As you can see here, Maria helped Nat with one lesson, but then she was more willing to help him with three.
a. motivation
Hugh lacks motivation.
Hugh's behavior is different and it shows that he lacks motivation.
Hugh is sad because his friend is studying abroad for the academic year. He does not want to go out and take part in any social events and he does not ant to do anything. He seems low in energy from his behavior and is not directed. His brother wants him go out and participate in some social events so that he feels good, but Hugh wants to stay inside unmotivated.
Thus the answer is ---
a. motivation
Look for glassy or bloodshot eyes.
Notice how the person smells.
Watch for impaired motor function.
Notice if the person slurs their speech.
(C) any action that is not morally wrong is morally right
David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary, whilst Cecil Rhodes was an English businessman. Both somewhat helped kick start more colonization in Africa, with Livingstone creating a general curiosity of the Nile River, while Rhodes is quoted with starting the British Imperialism in South Africa. Rhodes is technically the founder of South Africa, while Livingstone was a missionary and explorer and was very interested in social justices, such as "rags to riches" and held an anti-slavery stance.