The natural blind spot is due to lack of receptors where the optic nerve and blood vessels leave the eye. There can also be artificial blind spots when something blocks light from reaching the photoreceptors, or when there is local adaptation of the retina as just after seeing a bright light
I think I'm wrong! please tell me what one it is if I'm wrong.
17 plant cells is the number of cells the student can see
Biotic Factors depend/rely on abiotic factors because living things (biotic) need nonliving things (abiotic) to survive. Biotic rely on other Biotic factors because they need the food and resources from other living things.
For example, we (biotic factors) need energy from the sun and oxygen/air ,which is abiotic factors, to live and grow. Just like plants (biotic) need the sun's energy (abiotic) to help it grow.
I hope u understand me. Sorry If u don't
secreted by the gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland, and regulates the development, growth, pubertal maturation, and reproductive processes of the body