Answer: Step 1: Reverse the signs of
Step 2: Removing parenthesis
Step 3: Grouping like terms
Step 4: Combing like terms
Step 5: Writing the final expression in standard form
Step-by-step explanation: First expression :![6x^3-2x + 3](
Second expression :
We need to subtract
Step 1: Reverse the signs of
Step 2: Removing parenthesis
![(-3x^3) +5x^2+4x + (-7) + (-6x^3) + 2x + (-3)](
Step 3: Grouping like terms
![[-3x^3) + (-6x^3)] + [4x + 2x] + [(-7) + (-3)] + [5x^2]](
Step 4: Combing like terms
![-9x^3 + 6x + (-10) + 5x^2](
Step 5: Writing the final expression in standard form
![-9x^3 + 5x^2 + 6x-10](