0.9285714 has 7 digits after the decimal sign. So it is equivalent to the fraction with a numerator 9285714 and a denominator 10000000

The decimal number 0.9285714 is equivalent to the fraction
4642857 / 5000000

Step-by-step explanation:
<u>6-digit palindrome is the number n the form of:</u>
<u>This is divisible by 11 by default as the sum of the digits in odd placed is same as sum of the number in even places (remember the divisibility rule by 11):</u>
Now, in order to be divisible by 99, the number must be divisible by 11 and 9.
According to divisibility rule by 9 the sum of all digits must be divisible by 9. <u>You can see In our case we need to have (the minimum):</u>
<u>The smallest number we could get is when x is minimum, y is minimum, so:</u>
<u>The number we get is:</u>
Step-by-step explanation:
you can do 25 minus 18.76 then you get 6.24 then divide that by .13 and you get 48
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