ATM is not the following example of units for expressing pressure
There are 4 forces. These are 1) Gravity, 2) Weak Nuclear Force, 3) Electromagnetism, and 4) Strong Nuclear Force.
Order of strength from weakest to strongest: Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force
Type of Range:
Gravity - Unlimited range
Weak Nuclear Force - Limited range
Electromagnetism - Infinite range
Strong Nuclear Force - Limited Range
Found in:
Gravity - Exists between all objects with mass
Weak Nuclear Force - Governs over beta decays like the emission of electron or positron
Electromagnetism - the attraction found between particles that are electrically charged
Strong Nuclear Force - Found in atoms and subatomic particles. It is responsible for holding the atoms' nucleus together.
<span>Newton's Third Law of Action-Reaction is that for each and every action that happens, there is an equal and opposite reaction to it. In the scenario of a roller coaster, this is when you push down on the seat of the roller coaster as it flies along and the seat pushes back against you.</span>
a. It always points perpendicular to the contact surface.
"Normal" means perpendicular. Normal forces are always perpendicular to the contact surface.