Changing a fraction to its decimal form can be done by long division method. Dividing the denominator by its numerator will change the fraction into decimal form. Alternatively, you can use a calculator to do that for you. Below are the fractions with their decimal forms listed:
1.) 2/5 = 0.4 (D)
2.) 7/20 = 0.35 (A)
3.) 3/25 = 0.12 (C)
4.) 7/10 = 0.7 (B)
Y intercept: 7
Step-by-step explanation:
The slope is found by doing the equation
. When looking at the first two points, it's shown that the rise (difference between the two y values) is -3 (since it decreased by 3) and the run (difference between the two x values) is 4 (since it increased by 4).
This gives us a slope of
The y intercept is found by looking at the y value when x = 0. In this picture, it is clear that it is 7.
The equation you want to use is y = mx + b , where b is the y intercept and m is the slope. Just plug in the numbers and you got your equation!
c(3c - 1)
Step-by-step explanation:
3c² - c
Common factor = c
c(3c - 1)
Multiplying and dividing with conjugate of 2+i in the given expression, we get(3+ 4i)(2-i)/(2+i)(2-i)=(6-3i+8i-4i^2)/(4-i^2)=(10+5i)/(4+1)=(10+5i)/5=2+i=a+bi<span>Thus a=2</span>
see below
Step-by-step explanation:
h(x) = 2x-10
Let x=3
h(3) = 2*3 -10
= 6-10
Let x=-3
h(-3) = 2*-3 -10
= -6-10