Answer: Blood plays a very important role before cellular respiration. The blood provides oxygenated blood for the aerobic processes that takes place during cellular respiration. Glycolysis, link reaction, Kreb's Cycle and Electron Transport Chain are all the aerobic process of Cellular respiration that requires oxygen. Without blood aerobic cellular respiration cannot occur as the source of oxygen is blood. The blood provides oxygen before cellular respiration. After cellular respiration the waste materials are carried away by blood only.
Hence, blood plays an important role before cellular respiration.
Answer: B. Lungs
The lungs are the only organ in the body that can float on water.
Gymnosperms. like pine cones
Answer: Option B
The concentration of protein in the postglomerular blood is high comparef with arterial blood because as water passes into the capsule, the concentration of protein in the blood will increase.
Kidneys are bean shaped organs present in veterbrates and it is located in the retroperitoneal space. Kidney filtration involves where blood passes through the afferent arterioles and enters the glomerulus where blood that can be filter like nitrogenous waste and water moves towards the glomerulus and nonfilterable substances such as cells and serum albumins pass out through efferent arterioles. Thee concentration of protein increases from arterial to the post glomerular because some of the water molecules diffuses to the filtrate therefore, reducing water concentration. This lead to increase in concentration of protein because water is not available to diffuse the protein.
D. All of these are correct.
Depending on the institution, substance-abuse treatments may vary in regard to duration and phases. Generally, treatments for substance abuse consist of four phases:
- Initiation: This first stage focuses on providing helpful information to the person/patient about all treatments and options. <u>During this phase, the person goes through a process of </u><u>detoxification</u><u>, that is, preventing them from using the drug to remove their dependence.</u>
- Abstinence - first phase: This stage is one of the most difficult ones as the person usually exhibits a variety of emotions associated with depression, sadness, anxiety because of the withdrawal of the drug. <u>During this phase, they received psychological help to prevent any relapse and to </u><u>become more stable</u><u>, that is, to </u><u>control drug cravings.</u>
- Abstinence - second phase: This stage is focused on<u> maintaining abstinence and stability</u>. In conjunction with the second phase, this is also difficult but rewarding. The person receives behavioral therapy so he/she can acknowledge how the drug intake resulted in numerous issues and, in contrast, stopping its use can change her/his life in a diversity of positive ways.
- Aftercare: This stage focuses on long-term goals and, through therapy and counselling, <u>helps the person to </u><u>obtain education, find a job</u><u>, and </u><u>continue their stability and abstinence.</u>