The field of view is widest on the lowest power objective. When you switch to a higher power, the field of view is closes in. You will see more of an object on low power.

Northern Arizona University › lessons
Microscope Notes
(VEE-nuh KAY-vuh) A large vein that carries blood to the heart from other areas of the body. The vena cava has two parts: the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. The superior vena cava carries blood from the head, neck, arms, and chest.
<u>State</u> anxiety is the actual experience of apprehension and uncontrolled arousal and <u>trait</u> anxiety is a personality characteristic, which represents a latent disposition to perceive situations as threatening.
<u>State anxiety:</u> It is basically a "right now" feeling which changes from moment to moment, manifesting itself as an interruption of an individual's emotion state, leading to a sudden superversion of emotional equilibrium, caused by external factors of current state. e.g An atheletes emotional state at any given time that is variable from situation to situation.
<u>Trait anxiety:</u> It is a personality disposition which is stable over time. e.g An atheletes disposition to interpreting a situation as threatning and responding with an increase in state anxiety.
This statement is true, because the warmer the temperature, the faster the atoms move in a liquid
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