A reasonable conclusion supported by these observations is that the animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate.
With reference to warm-blooded species is preferred the endothermic are the species that preserve a steady body temperature regardless of the ambient temperature. Endothermic species mainly include animal kingdom birds and mammals. Many shrimp, however are endothermic too.
If a variation occurs, i.e. if the heat produced is less than the heat loss, the metabolic rate increases to compensate for that loss. Shivering is another method used by people and many other warm-blooded organisms to boost their body temperature. But in case the heat loss is smaller than the heat produced, the process of panting or suddening occurs to increase the heat loss.
The Precambrian era envelopes the major bulk of the history of the Earth, beginning from the creation of the planet approx 4.5 billion years ago and terminating with the origination of composite, multicelled forms of life approximately 4 billion years after.
The Precambrian refers to the earliest of the geologic ages that are signified by the distinct layers of sedimentary rock. The Earth was about more than six hundred million years old when life started. The planet had cooled down from its native molten state, creating a solid crust and oceans formed by water vapor in the atmosphere.
At about three billion years ago, the atmosphere of the Earth was virtually devoid of oxygen. At approximately 2.4 billion years ago, oxygen was discharged from the seas as a waste product of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria. The levels of the gas slowly raised, attaining about 1 percent around two billion years ago.
Approximately 800 million years ago, the levels of oxygen attained about 21 percent and started to breathe life into more composite species. The oxygen-rich ozone layer was also created, protecting the surface of the Earth from the harmful solar radiation.
Compounds from different organisms are being used widely bu humans for their benefits. Some of the compounds are used as drugs. For example, penicillin is used as a drug or antibiotic. There are many plants which provides humans with other types of medicines and herbal remedies. There are other compounds which are used for cancer treatment. For example, taxol is a compound obtained from trees which are being used as anticancer drugs.
Answer: Anaerobic respiration produces a relatively lesser amount of energy as compared to aerobic respiration, as glucose is not completely broken down in the absence of oxygen. In animal cells anaerobic respiration often occurs during exercise. The glucose does not get fully broken down in this process, so it does not release its full potential energy. Instead of carbon dioxide and water it breaks down to form lactic acid and a small amount of energy.
Genetic variation is advantageous because it enables some individuals and, therefore, a population, to survive despite a changing environment.