Actor-observer discrepancy: In social psychology, the term actor-observer discrepancy or bias is defined as an individual's propensity to attribute his or her actions to some external causes whereas he or she attributes the other person's behavior or actions to some internal causes.
It is considered as a form of attributional bias that leads to develop the way an individual interacts or perceive the other person. It generally covers others and one's behavioral attributions.
In the question above, the given statement is referred to as actor-observer discrepancy.
Correctional films are marketed as being based on true stories. One of the key objective of correctional films is to inspire positive attributes and values.
Some of the earliest art work found in India are pantings and carvings on caves and stones that represent different animals and tribes, someof this earliest paintings date back to the 10,000 before christian era, and an estimated 1300 pieces of rock art work has been found in the Indian region.
For the experiment to work and have good reliable results there should only be one variable. In this case, the variable is the noise level, and the different room temperatures would influence the experiment's results.