D. It might be hard for voters to really tell which candidates are truly of the "natural aristocracy."
The system of democracy which asserts that the best and brightest citizens (individuals of natural aristocracy) would provided proper representation is criticized because It might be hard for voters to really tell which candidates are truly of the "natural aristocracy." In a population of over 300 million people, it will be hard for the average American voter to identify individuals who are of natural aristocracy, who broke the norm and standout among their peers as such individuals may be confused by those of artificial aristocracy who have the finance, family name and obtained polished education.
A person in a communal relationship with another is more likely to be concerned with the <em>non contingent </em>effect of helping. While a person in an exchange relationship with another is more likely to be concerned with the <em>contingent</em> effect of helping others.
<em>Communal relationships</em> are closely knitted relationships, such that occurs within family and partners. In a communal relationship, helping does not come with future expected benefits (non contingent) . Giving is done with an objective of ensuring the other person's need is met.
In an <em>Exchange relationship</em>, the effect of helping comes with future benefits of repayments. Giving is done with an objective of some future repayment. This type of relationship occurs among business partners. 'If person A does person B a favor today, it is expected that person B will repay the favor to person A in future.
A tyrant would say that they are in charge, that there won't be a democracy, and would then possibly arrest or kill the people who are asking.
<span>Jean Piaget was a Swiss cognitive psychologist who focused on how humans organize their thinking into patterns or schemes. He was an expert in the changes and stages of child mental development. He described the process of acting upon a stimulus based on existing patterns of thought as <u>assimilation</u>.</span>