GCF: the greatest common factor of numerator and denominator is a factor that can be removed to reduce the fraction.
The numerator and denominator of 6/8 have GCF of 2:
6/8 = (2·3)/(2·4)
The fraction can be reduced by canceling those factors.
(2·3)/(2·4) = (2/2)·(3/4) = 1·(3/4) = 3/4
LCM: the least common multiple of the denominators is suitable as a common denominator. Addition and subtraction are easily performed on the numerators when the denominator is common.
The fractions 2/3 and 1/5 can be added using a common denominator of LCM(3, 5) = 15.
2/3 + 1/5 = 10/15 + 3/15 = (10+3)/15 = 13/15
Given :
Let's solve by using midpoint formula :
Hope Helps! :)
In radical form, the shortest distance from ( -4 , 4 ) and the line y = -2x + 6 is
2√5 units.
Attached below is the calculation to arrive at the answer as well as a graph.
6x + 7
6 * 2
12 + 7
Step-by-step explanation:
The ones with a square in a picture is a 90 degree angle the rest are a 180