IndicatorLow pH colorHigh pH colorBromocresol greenyellowblueMethyl redredyellowMethyl purplepurplegreenAzolitmin (litmus)redblue
Enzymes serve as catalysts to many biological processes, and so they are not used up in reactions and they may be recovered and reused. However, in a laboratory setting, reactions involving enzymes can leave the enzyme unrecoverable. This process makes the enzyme at once less reactive but more stable.
The economy moved to growth due to the infrastructure activities, the main driver of economy is tourism.
Centimeter because it is the only metric measurement
During the water cycle some of the water in the oceans and freshwater bodies, such as lakes and rivers, is warmed by the sun and evaporates. During the process of evaporation, impurities in the water are left behind. As a result, the water that goes into the atmosphere is cleaner than it was on Earth.