Though it has its merit, know that the rule is not mandatory. ... A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the ... An intercut is a type of edit where two or more actions in distinct ...
Not necessarily malignant
As the word "unclassified" shows it's not damaging, however I still doesn't recommend if it's not necessary.
Answer: Ethics
Ethics is the basic principle for the personal code. The code of the ethics is basically designed for outline the values in the organization with honesty and integrity.
The ethics is basically depend upon the principle of core value of the organization. The code of the ethics basically guide the core value in the organization and breaking the rule of ethics can also cause termination from the organization.
Morality, integrity and honesty are all the sub part of the ethics vale in the organization. Therefore, ethics is the correct option.
I think its D, double-headed if I remember right. If this is brainiest can you mark it, please! I am trying to rank up. Thanks, hun!