true, urbanization is the growth of cities
The answer is self-enhancement. The self-enhancement is when individuals lean towards to rate themselves above average, believe they have a better than average likelihood of success, and attribute their successes to personal motivation or ability while blaming the condition for their inaccuracies. In addition, self-enhancement in psychology is a kind of inspiration that works to make people feel good about themselves and to uphold self-esteem. This motive develops especially prominent in situations of threat, failure or blows to the self-esteem of oneself.
They saw them as Honorable Men. The Estruscans taught the Romans to build with brick and to roof their homes with tile. They drain the water from marshes that lay between Rome's Hills. They laid out city streets. The Estruscans built temples, passing on their religious rituals to the Romans. They even influence the style of clothing that the Romans wore. Roman men adopted the Estruscan fashion of wearing short cloaks and togas. Finally, the Estruscan army served as the model for the mighty Army that the Romans would later create.
Seller's insurance card
The department of motor Vehicles (DMV) was established to take care of your personal vehicle registration and driver licensing.
When you purchase a car from a private party, all the risk that is created from the purchase (whether the car is in good condition or whether the car is overpriced) would be fall to you alone. After the purchase was made, the car will be your private property, and the one who sell it will have nothing to do with that car anymore.
So , When filling data needed by vehicle registration and driver licensing , seller's insurance card would not be needed by the DMV.
they are both nomadic
Dinka and Nuer connected to each other either through adoption, marriage, and cultural assimilation. Their identity depended on kinship affiliation as much as language. They share a significant amount of vocabulary.