The conversion answer is 12014
What grade is this? 6TH 7TH OR 8TH?
The question is incomplete but;
The aspect of the U.S. Congress which most reflects the constitutional value of republicanism is:
A.Members of the House of Representatives vote according to popular opinion in their districts.
The aspect of the U.S. Congress which most reflects the constitutional value of republicanism is:
Members of Congress often support political positions that mirror voter <span>opinion in their home states.</span>
D. a plaza mayor surrounded by a grid of streets
The Griffin-Ford model has at its core the financial center and a portion that the authors call the Market in an attempt to differentiate modern offices and hotels from more traditional and informal street-level commerce. From the financial center there is a commercial "spine" that arrives at one in a commercial structure located on the urban fringe, interconnected to the industrial zone via a ring road.
I don’t know if this is right, but I think it is dissipation