Answer: samba dance
It is said to have began in the 19th century form Brazil but now it is common in all parts of the world with various styles. It is most common in Rio de Janeiro buy can also be seen in Finland and Chicago. Samba dance captures one's interest through its rhythm. One needs to establish this rhythm through the sequence of three steps which are long quick, short quick and slow
Samba dance focus on the foot, a man does the forward basic whilst the woman takes on a backward basics.
After that each the two will reverse their direction , repeatedly going back and forth.
Here, I'll answer one question for you.
The meaning of dependent means relying on, for example, I depend on my brother to help me with my homework, or I depend on my pencil to write things down. Or like you depend on brainly to help finish with your homework.
Marco polo was a Venetian merchant believe to have journeyed across Asia at the height of the mongol Empire.
1. In India, working places and stores are located near the Indian homes, while in America the houses are separate from work and grocery stores.
2. The way of living in America is expensive compared to India.
3. Education costs more in India than in America.
4. Food is cheaper in India.
5. You can have the best quality of medical care in America at a higher cost, with insurance to pay for the bills. In India medical care is cheaper, and usually paid by cash.
6. Wages in America is higher than in India.
7. Indian marriages are normally based on the social status of the families, while for Americans, it is based on their emotions.
8. Freedom is greatly enjoyed in America, while in India the government is given the top authority to restrict freedom among Indians.
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