The correct answer is offside in relief
A person is considered obese if his/her body weight is 20% over than his/her ideal body weight.
VRS, like other forms of TRS, allows persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing to communicate through the telephone system with hearing persons. The VRS caller, using a television or a computer with a video camera device and a broadband (high speed) Internet connection, contacts a VRS CA, who is a qualified interpreter.
Calories: 28%
Total Fat: 46%
Saturated Fat: 50%
Protein: 50%
Fiber: 12%
Carbohydrates: 16%
Not sure exactly what the actual work was. The only calculation I had to do, was the percentage of calories from the burger, to the diet (560 of 2,000)
Keep In Note!
All nutrition labels are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Since this is so, the company has already given the percentage of daily intake on the label. You just have to write down whatever the percentage is on the right side.
I hope I was able to be of some assistance. If forever what reason I am wrong with my answer, I give you my sincere apologies. It was not intended.