580742.5, in words: five hundred eighty thousand seven hundred forty-two and a half.
Multiply: 1489 * 390 = 580710
Divide: 65 / 2 = 32.5
Add: 580710+32.5 = 580742.5
Answer C x²-7≠0 ==>(x≠-√7 and x≠√7)
Multiplying ,you get 18x^2+21x-24x-28. You simplify to get:
According to research, the public views children and teens with mental health disorders as over 1,300 U.S. adults believe children with depression are prone to violence
Answer: Option B
Most Americans trust that the people count has increased with mental health disorders in the last 20 years (69 %) and that is a major health issue in the US (89 %) according to the results of survey. They believe that mental health disorders are caused by physical disorders (like brain’s chemical imbalance or due to environmental criteria (daily stress or alcoholism / abuse of drugs).
Over nine out of ten respondents cited those factors as typical causes for mental health disorders. When asked about the most common causes of this, nearly 27 % reported chemical brain imbalances and stress in their daily lives, and 20 % reported alcohol or drug abuse.
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