This is a heading
This is a paragraph does not exist. You would simply use p for paragraph. Therefore This is a heading is the correct answer.
userInput = input("Please enter a string of words ")
userInput.split ()
for item in userInput.split ():
if item =="darn":
Using Python programming language, the input function is used to receive the users input and save in a variable userInput
Then the .split method is used to convert the words into a list of words.
Using a for loop, the code checks for the word darn and prints censored if it exists else it prints the userInput
havent watched it and thanks for this
Boot to safe mode
When a virus attacks boot system, that is to say, Windows program won´t load. The following steps should be considered taking into account what Windows Version is being used, Windows 7, 8 or 10:
1. Press F8 (Windows 7) F4 (Windows 8, 10)
2. Enable Safe Mode
3. Run Safe Mode
4. Once in safe mode the user will have access to Windows and eventually document files can be extracted via pendrive.
Answer: Transceivers
Wireless network adapters differ from regular network adapters because they contain transceivers as, the transceiver is that portion of the network interface which transmitted the data by concerting digital data into the digital signals in the medium. Basically, the network adapter are responsible for connected the host in the network medium and also convert the binary form data.Transceiver signal are basically depends upon the type of the network.