Al hablar de entornos digitales de enseñanza y aprendizaje, la frase apunta al avenimiento de medios informáticos y tecnológicos al proceso metodológico de enseñanza de los distintos sistemas educativos a nivel mundial.
Así, la irrupción del internet como medio de búsqueda de información y las herramientas digitales como vídeos, diapositivas y libros electrónicos como métodos de presentación de información han facilitado el acceso de los alumnos y docentes al conocimiento a través de la generación de un entorno digital que permite a estos un acceso mas rápido y abarcativo al conocimiento.
for ( initialization; condition;increment)
code goes here;
in python:
for i in list/range:
code with proper indentation
By initialization above we mean, like int i=0; etc.
By condition like i<10;
and by increment it means like i++, ++i or i+=1; etc
And in python, i can be an integer value if the range is mentioned, and it can be an item of a list if the list is used. We can also use an array, string and various other data structures in python. like we can have characters in a string and so on.
Please check the answer section.
In addition to MLA, <u>American psychological association, Associated Press and Chicago manual of style</u> are widely using referencing techniques,
<u>American Psychological Association(APA)</u>
APA is the largest organization of scholars, they have their own referencing style guidelines that is used by these scholars.
<u>Associated Press</u>
It is also an american based agency that have their own referencing style for citation of research work named as Associated press.
<u>Chicago Manual of Style</u>
It is also an american referencing style used for reference.
A) your temp gauge is moving into red
Option A is correct
Digital Subscriber line is a way where telephone companies provide internet access for connection.
It is a communication medium used to transfer digital signals. DSL is one of the most popular broadband internet access.
DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. DSL works with high-speed bandwidth that connects from a phone jack to a telephone network. DSL works within frequencies. You can use the DSL while making phone calls.