Money is important in life because it ultimately decides your status, your stability, and what your future will look like. It is especially in high demand right now, and many people just can't make enough to sustain themselves and their families, resulting in the growing homeless crisis and in many families needing financial aid and help from other people to survive. People try to get so much of it and no one even thinks to care about trees being cut down, when it comes to their life. People just want to be able to live without piling debts and stress in regards to money and stability in life.
hahah no u didnt help me so ty for the points
He argued that most important aspect of adolescence is maturity.
Adolescence is the bridge that connects childhood into adults that are capable in handling their own problems.
He describes maturity as a state of developing awareness separate which need to be done and which need to be ignored to achieve our goal.
The most widely used by therapist in recovering childhood memories is hypnosis. Hypnosis is a way of having a person be placed in a state of concentration, in order for the person to respond to suggestions. It enables a person remember the past and the things that had happened on his or her past. That makes it usable in recovering childhood memories.
They had different views on slavery