I am pretty sure it is A or C.
3. What is the nature of the individual? What is the basis for social order? What are the circumstances under which societies change?
Sociology builds upon theories developed by key authors :
Auguste Comte, Emilie Durkheim, Karl Marx, Pareto, Spencer, etc.
They first studied the nature of the individual and its relation to a social group.
As groups coming together to survive, a society forms, and relationships with individuals and social groups often is increasingly complex.
As time passes, societies will evolve, or perish, and so social change occurs as time and circumstances mostly based on the production needs and demands (would Marx argue) to lead to further social changes.
The social order arises as labor becomes specialized, and thus the main focus of sociologists is how the social order forms and changes, its power dynamics and so on.
The social change occurs inevitably because society is often portrayed to a living organism that experiences changes in the environments and needs to adapt, transforming and ultimately evolving.
There was fertile land in the area known as the willamente river valley
its the process if controlling the mind
c) identifying the bell as a neutral stimulus; identifying food as the unconditioned stimulus; repeatedly presenting the sound of the bell followed by food; presenting the sound of the bell to produce saliva.
Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov was studying salivation in dogs during the 1890s and comes up with the theory of classical conditioning in which a neutral stimulus was closely associated with the unconditioned stimulus to obtain a particular conditioned response. the theory involves learning to combine an unconditional stimulus that has already given rise to a specific response with a new stimulus so that the new stimulus results in the same response.