Mutualism since the clown fish and the anemone both benefit from each other.
I think it’s nucleic acid
People with two copies of the sickle cell gene have the disease. People who carry only one copy of the sickle cell gene do not have the disease, but may pass the gene on to their children. Abnormal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S, causes sickle cell disease (SCD). The problem in hemoglobin S is caused by a small defect in the gene that directs the production of the beta globin part of hemoglobin. This small defect in the beta globin gene causes a problem in the beta globin part of hemoglobin, changing the way that hemoglobin works.
The glucose making part of photosynthesis takes place in the stroma
Stroma is the colorless liquid that surrounds the grana in the chloroplast inside plant cells. The stroma contains grana, and stacks of thylakoids in which photosynthesis is started before the chemical changes are completed in the stroma itself. The stroma functions by synthesizing organic molecules from water and carbon dioxide. In the stroma, an enzyme removes the carbon from carbon dioxide, and then combines it with hydrogen and oxygen and to form a simple carbohydrate molecule (glucose).