as we know that Ramadan is one of the five pillars of islam.
Allah (god) has said that fasting in the holy month of Ramadan shows you the poorly day to day life.
Ramadan teaches them to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate, thus encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity (zakat).
Exemptions to fasting include travel, menstruation, severe illness, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
P.S: Hope this helps!!
Sometimes people involved in a disagreement must compromise, or A. give up something, to solve the problem.
A normal adult pulse will beat regularly between 60 and 100 times each minute at rest; in babies and children they are much faster. Pulses are usually easily palpable; patients with a weak or unstable pulse should be assessed further; weak pulses indicate reduced cardiac output and can progress to deterioration, for example fainting, or perhaps a more serious problem. Ensure the patient is relaxed and the relative position of the chosen site is equal to, or lower than, the level of the heart
Laughing at them or making jokes is not a good way to support a friend.