"OR" expands a search by telling the database that any of the words it connects are acceptable. This is particularly beneficial when you are searching for synonyms, such as “the victorian age” OR “sexual puritanism”
So, if you type in “the victorian age” OR “sexual puritanism”, your results will include articles with either term, but not necessarily both.
I guess the correct answer is the Enter key
Οn cοmputеr kеybοards, thе еntеr kеy in mοst casеs causеs a cοmmand linе, windοw fοrm, οr dialοg bοx tο οpеratе its dеfault functiοn. This is typically tο finish an "еntry" and bеgin thе dеsirеd prοcеss, and is usually an altеrnativе tο prеssing an ΟK buttοn.
This is definitely an opinion, but an excel you can do A and D and just about the same as B also
<u>So i'd say C </u>
Answer: 500 volts AC, 750 volts DC
Class 00 rubber gloves are given the color "beige" based on the color code of rubber gloves.
The proof test voltage for this class of rubber gloves is 2500 volts of AC voltage and 10000 volts of DC voltage
Open source software
Open source software is exactly what you think it is, the code to compile the software and run it is available to the public for use or modification.