Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form.The primary reason for converting numbers into scientific notation is to make calculations with unusually large or small numbers less cumbersome.
Step-by-step explanation:
6/54 times because there are 9 marbles and the orange marble is 1 out of those 9 marbles. If you multiply 6*9= 54 then you notice there is a 6/54 chance of picking any 1 marble out of the 54 times that you decide to pick marbles.
Step-by-step explanation:
Plug in the numbers for the x-value and solve the equation.
| 3(80/3)/4 + 1 | = 16
| 3(-40/3)/4 + 1 | = 16
(b) because when you change 215% into a decimal it’s 2.15 then multiply that by 50 you get 170.5 and you move the decimal to get 1.705 so it’s b