Here are a few examples:
Volcanic eruptions.
Retreat of glaciers.
Flooding accompanied by severe soil erosion.
Nuclear explosions.
Oil spills.
Abandonment of a manmade structure, such as a paved parking lot.
Plant families that produce copious amounts of latex include:
Euphorb family (Euphorbiaceae),
milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae),
mulberry family (Moraceae),
dogbane family (Apocynaceae), and.
chicory tribe (Lactuceae) of the sunflower family (Asteraceae).
When starfish were removed from their environment, the species richness of that area went down. This was because the starfish ate the mussels, and when the starfish were removed, the mussels became abundant and preyed on many of the other species.
This experiment showed that the starfish were a keystone species. A keystone species is a species that has a low biomass but a large impact on the community they are living in.
Of course topography affects architecture. The ground provides the basic support for the building. If you are building on a highly sloped site, an architect must consider the slope of the site in determining the finish floor elevation, and if multiple entry levels will be needed to get in and out of the building.
Nucleicacid is inside the bacteriophage