MACRA stands for medicare access and Chip reauthorization act and the aim of this is to change the pattern of the payment to the providers of health care and this should be done to improve the quality.
It has an impact of medigap plan also, which are provided to cover the cost which are not provided in the original medicare, and the coverage of this is affected by MACRA. Through this some extra health care cost which were not paid by share of medicare.
The similarities between these two groups are that they can present psychological weaknesses, due to the uncertainty of their future in the face of their problems.
This is because, people with HIV, due to the impossibility of cure, may fear a future of suffering, disability, prejudice and hopelessness. It is important that the guidelines for the support of this group are based on information about the possibility of living well even with the disease, through appropriate and correct treatment.
A support group for the elderly who are facing grief, may be composed of people who feel they cannot go on with their lives, there is nothing left for them and everything they know is ending, dying. This group can be very distressed and fearful in need of guidelines that alleviate their concerns, distract them and show how they can contribute to society in various ways.
Finally, the support group for victims of domestic violence, can be composed of people who are ashamed, afraid of suffering some kind of prejudice and without the certainty that they will not be raped again. In that case, the guidelines should be geared towards raising these people's self-confidence and showing that there are people who love them.
Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. The lessons learned in religious education prepare students for responsibilities, experiences and opportunities later in life.
The relationship between the level of religiosity and the level of education has been studied since the second half of the 20th century.
The parameters of the two components are diverse: the "level of religiosity" remains a concept which is difficult to differentiate scientifically, while the "level of education" is easier to compile, such as official data on this topic, because data on education is publicly accessible in many countries.
Different studies lead to contrasting conclusions regarding the relationship, depending on whether "religiosity" is measured by religious practices (attendance at places of worship, for example) or specific religious beliefs (belief in miracles, for example), with notable differences between nations. For example, one international study states that in some Western nations the intensity of beliefs decreases with education, but attendance and religious practice increases.[1] Other studies indicate that the religious have higher education than the non-religious.[2] Other studies find that the positive correlation with low or non religiosity and education has been reversed in the past few decades.[3][4]
In terms of university professors, one study concluded that in the US, the majority of professors, even at "elite" universities, were religious.[5]
All of the above would be the correct answer
to confirm preexisting beliefs
Confirmation bias
This is simply one's ability to seek, interpret, favor and recall information that is in line or conforms to an individual's pre-existing beliefs or expectations.
People here tends to likely view things that could conforms to something rather than disconfirm it.
Two reasons for the existence of onfirmation bias:
1. Directional motives: humans usually finds informations that is in line with our beliefs and expectations
2. Cognitive heuristics: It deals with things that views our beliefs and expectations usually we imagine first.