<span>When an individual is more than a couple of meters underwater, the air pressure in the lungs is greater than the air pressure at the waters surface. If a snorkel were used, it would move the air from the lungs to the surface, making it very difficult to breath
Answer: Dirección de Sanidad Acuícola y Pesquera.
El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasica) está a cargo de proteger los recursos acuícolas, así como la regulación y promoción, aplicación y certificación de la calidad agroalimentaria para facilitar el comercio tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Es en la Dirección de Sanidad Acuícola y Pesquera donde se emiten los certificados de sanidad de productos alimenticios de especies acuícolas.
Position the person on his or her back.
If there are no injuries and the person is breathing, raise the person's legs above heart level — about 12 inches (30 centimeters) — if possible. Loosen belts, collars or other constrictive clothing. To reduce the chance offainting again, don't get the person up too quickly.
The answer is fatty acids
Drugs that have chemicals that influence perceptions, moods consciousness or behavior