Landslide is a general term referring to all types of surface movement, like avalanches involving the mass movement downhill of soil, rock, or snow under the action of gravity. These can be dangerous to human life.
Mudslides are caused unusually heavy rain or sudden thaw. they consist of mostly mud and water with fragments of rock and other debris. They're capable of moving house off of their foundations and can bury a place within minutes.
The correct answer is - divergent.
A divergent plate boundary is plate boundary that is form by the sepration of the two distinct tectonic plates away from one another and result in the forming the ranges known as oceanic spreading ridges.
This type of plate boundary occurs due to the earthquack or volcanic erruption of from the mantle to surface of the earth. This magma or rises and forms oceanic crust by the solidifying of the moleten rocks.
Chemical weathering
The weathering of rocks by chemicals is called chemical weathering . Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic because carbon dioxide from the air dissolves in it. Minerals in rocks may react with the rainwater, causing the rock to be weathered. Some types of rock are easily weathered by chemicals.
Definition of chemical weathering: the erosion or disintegration of rocks, building materials, etc., caused by chemical reactions (chiefly with water and substances dissolved in it) rather than by mechanical processes.
It would be less trash and pollution and i would have less trash and i would have to wash dishes every day