Ok so since the largest denominator is 12 we want to get the other denominators the same so it is easier to add together. Multiply 3 by 4 to get a denominator, then multiply 1 by 4 and you'll get 4/12. Then multiply 6 by 2 and then 1 by 2 and you'll get 2/12. Add all 3 of the fractions to get 11/12 pounds of fish. Hope this helps!
Slope Intercept Form: y = mx + b
Slope: 2
Y-Intercept: 0
Therefore, the slope intercept form of the given values would look like this:
y = 2x + 0 or just y = 2x
Have a great day!
5 + 10 + 12 = 27 scores are less than 3
Step-by-step explanation:
1st person can be seated in 6 ways, 2nd person in 5 ways, 3rd person in 4 ways and 4th person in 3 ways.
Required number of ways =(6×5×4×3)=360.
Hope this helps!!! Have a great day!! :D