What we do
Digital health
Using technology to enable better health care
Health care is changing every year and the overwhelming trend is that digital health and new technologies are driving these changes.
There is no substitute for personal care from a trusted GP or health professional, but we are also hearing the voice of health consumers calling out for smarter solutions that give them choice and control over their care and information.
Digital health will also play an important role in improving referral pathways and more closely integrating health services in order to improve our health system.
Broadly, the term digital health refers to any form of healthcare provision delivered via electronic means. This may include electronic health records, electronic referrals, secure messaging between providers, and telehealth/ telemedicine.
The use of electronic health records may also be referred using the digital health/ eHealth terminology which has recently been branded
exercising is another effective way to lower blood sugar.
but if someone has diabetes, either the body can't make insulin or the insulin doesn't work in the body as it should.
A. Younger parents' ideas for their children may be different from those of older parents.
Age difference often means going through different experiences in life, which will influence parenting style.
A bal of .12 reduces the distance a pedestrian can be seen by a driver by about <span>20%.</span>