Copies of the original DNA strand
A terrarium with a plant and a snail
This is because snail uses oxygen for cellular respiration and releases carbondioxide as by product.
Where as plants uses carbondioxide exhaled for photosynthesis in the presence of light energy and chlorophyll with water to produce glucose and oxygen. Therefore cycle if oxygen and carbondioxide gases is continuous.
Organisms that survive a new environment are said to have adapted to their surroundings.
The Chargaff's rules indicate that in the DNA of all living organisms the amount of adenine (A) should be equal to the amount of thymine (T), while the amount of guanine (G) should be equal to the amount of cytosine (C). These rules were useful to describe the structure of the double helix and also enable to describe base patterns that often are associated with specific gene regions (for example, promoter regions are rich in AT). Moreover, an imbalance in the 1:1 equilibrium ratio is associated with mutations that may cause diseases such as cancer.
The answer to this question is D) The region that codes for RNA has been removed.
I'm sorry about the late reply! Hopefully you got the right answer in time. I will leave this here in-case someone else needs help with it in the future. :)